1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
Modal particles, such as Ma(吗), Le (了),Ne (呢) and so on, play an important role in Chinese language. They are used to express tense, tones and even some potential meanings, which are demanded to deliberate according to the exact context. The paper is to take the modal particles in Moment in Peking as an example to discuss the utilization of modal particles in English-Chinese translation by analyzing the meaning of the modal particles in the exact context. The study of the application of modal particles is expected to enhance not only our comprehension about an essay, but also our translation.
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
3. Collectmaterialstomakepreparationsforthepaper.
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
Before25th,April submissionofthefirstdraft
4. 主要参考文献
[1]林语堂. Moment in Peking[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2009.
[2]林语堂. 京华烟云[M].张振玉. 陕西:陕西师范大学出版社, 2005.
[3]王小卫. 现代汉语句末语气词“吗”、“呢”、“吧”的英语翻译研究 ——以《茶馆》为例 [D].安徽省淮北市:淮北师范大学, 2015.
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