1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
This project is intended to use subtitles translation of English American TV "Agents of Shield" as the research object, to explore the translation skills from the point view of functional equivalence theory and to probe into the translation tactics of English translation of Chinese subtitle.
2. 实验内容和要求
Content: This paper has studied the subtitle translation from the functional equivalence theory. I also use some translation examples of the TV play Agents of shield to analyze the application of functional equivalence theory in the translation of the subtitle translation. Requirements: Be able to ingeniously combine theory with subtitles. To convey the most natural expression, and attempts to make the reader or the audience to understand the intention of the author in his own cultural context.
3. 参考文献
1. Nida. E.A. Language and culture: Context and translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language, 20012.Yang Xue. The Analysis of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory[J].Overseas English, 2014 (19):260-2613.郭建中: 《当代美国翻译理论》. 湖北: 湖北教育出版社,20004. 皇甫超伟:浅谈英语影视剧字幕的特点和翻译策略. 河南.4660015. 李运兴: 字幕翻译的策略 . 《中国翻译》 . 2002年第一期.
4. 毕业设计(论文)计划
I started to prepare my paper from the next semester of the senior high school. After identifying the topic, I first collectedall kinds of information, especially Nida''s theory of functional equivalence. Then I combined with subtitles to do further analysis. The first draft was handed over to the tutor at the end of April, and was corrected by the tutor carefully and the final draft was completed in early May.
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