1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
The thesis aims at analyzing and studying The Road from Colonus from the humanistic perspective, especially focusing on spiritual demands of the old man and trying to apply the revelation from the short story to solve the old generation’s spiritual crisis in modern society. The thesis is proposed to be developed from the following aspects.
Firstly, brief introduction of the short story will be included. Secondly, briefly explaining the humanism theory. Thirdly, applying the humanism theory to spiritual analysis of the old man in the story, and comparing it with OedipusatColonus wrote by Sophocles. Fourth, drawing a conclusion on the spiritual demands of the old man from the two contrasting stories. Fifth, making a survey on the currently spiritual situation of the old generation and drawing a conclusion from it. Finally, combining the analysis result of the short story with the modern society, and searching for some feasible solutions and suggestions to the old generation’s spiritual crisis and promoting the happiness of old men in modern society.
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
January4th settlementofthetitlebefore20th,Marchsubmissionoftheoutline
before25th,April submissionofthefirstdraft
before24th,May revisionofthedraft
4. 主要参考文献
[1]沈雁.幻想照亮旅途 福斯特的离开科罗诺斯之路赏析[J].英语自学. 2009(4).[2]索芙科诺斯.俄狄浦斯王[M].北京: 人民文学出版社, 2001.
[3]叶蔚芳.平行的旅程 迥异的归宿 对《离开科罗诺斯之路》现代弱者生存状况的平息[J].外国语言学. 2010(2): 128-132.
[4] Forster E.M. The Road from Colonus [M]. New York: Carroll Graf Publishers, 1992.
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