
 2021-10-28 20:30:50

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求


毕业论文的内容和要求如下: (1)在第1章引言部分,通过文献阅读和总结分析,给出如下内容:钛合金的简介及分类,钛合金相变动力学的研究现状,在相关领域的应用,本课题拟开展的研究内容和预期目标。



2. 参考文献



以下是与本课题相关的部分文献列表: [1] Farjas J, Roura P. Modification of the KolmogorovJohnsonMehlAvrami rate equation for non-isothermal experiments and its analytical solution[J]. Acta Materialia, 2006, 54(20): 5573-5579.[2] Kissinger H E. Reaction kinetics in differential thermal analysis[J]. Analytical chemistry, 1957, 29(11): 1702-1706.[3] Liu H, Niinomi M, Nakai M, et al. Deformation-induced ω-phase transformation in a β-type titanium alloy during tensile deformation[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2017, 130: 27-31.[4] Guo P, Zhao Y, Zeng W, et al. The effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties of TC4-DT titanium alloys[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2013, 563: 106-111.[5] 刘莹, 曲周德, 王本贤. 钛合金 TC4 的研究开发与应用[J]. 兵器材料科學與工程, 2005, 28(1): 47-50.[6] 唐普放. 钛及钛合金相变温度与测定[J]. 钛工业进展, 1999, 3: 34-37.[7] 肖纪美. 合金相与相变[M]. 冶金工业出版社, 1987.[8] Chen F, Xu G, Cui Y, et al. Optimization of Low-Cost Ti-35421 Titanium Alloy: Phase Transformation, Bimodal Microstructure, and Combinatorial Mechanical Properties[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(17): 2791.[9] 常辉, 曾卫东, 罗媛媛, et al. 近β型钛合金Ti-B19时效过程中的相变及显微组织[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2006, 35(10):1589-1592.[10] 罗媛媛. Ti-B19钛合金时效过程中的相变研究[D]. 西北工业大学, 2006.[11] Wang Y Z, Ma N, Chen Q, et al. Predicting phase equilibrium, phase transformation, and microstructure evolution in titanium alloys[J]. Jom, 2005, 57(9): 32-39.[12] 张翥, 王群骄, 莫畏. 钛的金属学和热处理[M]. 冶金工业出版社, 2009.[13] Lei Z, Dong Z, Chen Y, et al. Microstructure and tensile properties of laser beam welded Ti22Al27Nb alloys[J]. Materials Design, 2013, 46: 151-156.[14] Chen X, Weidong Z, Wei W, et al. Coarsening behavior of lamellar orthorhombic phase and its effect on tensile properties for the Ti22Al25Nb alloy[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, 611: 320-325.[15] Cowen C J, Boehlert C J. Microstructure, creep, and tensile behavior of a Ti21Al29Nb (at.%) orthorhombic B2 alloy[J]. Intermetallics, 2006, 14(4): 412-422.[16] Boehlert C J. The phase evolution and microstructural stability of an orthorhombic Ti-23Al-27Nb alloy[J]. Journal of phase equilibria, 1999, 20(2): 101.[17] Grajcar A, Zalecki W, Skrzypczyk P, et al. Dilatometric study of phase transformations in advanced high-strength bainitic steel[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 118(2): 739-748.[18] Wang Y H, Kou H, Chang H, et al. Phase transformation in TC21 alloy during continuous heating[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 472(1-2): 252-256.[19] Chen Y, Du Z, Xiao S, et al. Effect of aging heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of a new β high strength titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 586: 588-592.[20] Zhao Y, Hong Q. Metallograph of Titanium and Titanium Alloy[J]. Changsha: Central South University Press; 2011.125.[21] Wen J, Ge P, Yang G, et al. Effect of heat treatment process on microstructure and tensile properties of Ti-1300 alloy[J]. Rare Met Mater Eng, 2009, 38(8): 1490.[22] 常辉, 周廉. Ti-B19钛合金的β→ α β等温相变动力学[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2006, 35(11): 1695-1699.[23] Wang Y H, Kou H, Chang H, et al. Phase transformation in TC21 alloy during continuous heating[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 472(1-2): 252-256.[24] Liu F, Sommer F, Mittemeijer E J. Analysis of the kinetics of phase transformations; roles of nucleation index and temperature dependent site saturation, and recipes for the extraction of kinetic parameters[J]. Journal of materials science, 2007, 42(2): 573-587.[25] 王广楠. Ti-55531钛合金连续升温过程的相变研究[D]. 中南大学, 2014.

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