
 2021-11-10 22:24:18

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3. 主要参考文献

[1] Scheutz C, Mosbaek H, Kjeldsen P. Attenuation of methane and volatile organic compounds in landfill soil covers [J]. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2004,33(1):61-71.

[2] De Visscher,Alex, Thomas, Dirk. Methane oxidation in simulated landfill cover soil environments [J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 1999, 33(11):1854-1859.

[3] Lohila A, Laurila T, Tuovinen JP, et al. Micrometeorological measurements of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes at a municipal landfill [J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2007, 41(8):2717-2722.

[4] Borjesson G, Sundh I, Tunlid A, et al. Methane oxidation in landfill cover soils, as revealed by potential oxidation measurements and phospholipid fatty acid analyses[J]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 1998, 30(10-11): 1423-1433.

[5] Agamuthu Pariatamby, Weng Yee Cheah, Rahedah Shrizal, et al. Enhancement of landfill methane oxidation using different types of organic wastes[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015,73(5):2489-2496.

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