浅析金融英语文本中隐喻的翻译方法与技巧——以《我们需要直升机撒钱了吗?》为例An analysis of the translation methods and techniques of metaphors in English financial texts——Take the Translation of Do We Need A Helicopter Drop as an example任务书

 2021-12-04 19:25:20

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

The prosperous development of world economy and the boom of China’s foreign trade have witnessed the importance of the translation of financial English. The article of Do We Need A Helicopter Drop is a report of Financial Times in 2016. The article generally introduced the situation of global economy and finance and Chinese related policies. This paper aims to analysis the translation methods and techniques of metaphor in this financial English text, including four sections: Introduction, Chinese-English Version, the Translation of Metaphor in Financial English and Conclusion.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1.Search online and choose the article to work on2.Search for the related resources to identify the topic for the paper.3.Read the original article and work out the outline.4.Write the paper on schedule.

3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

Before 4th, January settlement of the titlebefore 28th, February submission of the outlinebefore 29th, April submission of the first draftbefore 15th, May revision of the draftbefore 26th, May, submission of the final paper

4. 主要参考文献

[1] Kettunen, Jaana . Interlingual translation of the International Financial Reporting Standards as institutional work [J]. Accounting Organizations and Society. 2017(6): 38-54.[2]Nicaise, L. On Going Beyond the Literal: Translating Metaphorical Conceptualization in Financial Discourse [J]. Meta. 2011(2): 407-423.[3] Zheng, Jing. Translation of Metaphors in Business English from a Cognitive Perspective [J]. International Journal of English Linguistics. 2015(5): 86-88[4] 高新华,刘白玉.金融危机英语隐喻词汇的翻译[J].外语学刊.2010(5):119-121.[5] 王俊超,邓薇,曾利沙.语境参数视角下商务新奇隐喻汉译新探索——兼论隐喻解析过程的理据性及建构性[J].西安外国语大学学报.2017(1):100-104. [6] 张永莉,邹勇.金融英语中的隐喻认知研究[J].大家.2011(2):155-156.

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