
 2021-12-12 14:04:19

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

要求:开发红外警告界面内容:1) Java 2006. 984 p. 7 Shigley J, Mischke C, Budynas R. Mechaincal engineering design. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2003. 1056 p. 8 Huston, R.L. Practical stress analysis in engineering design, 3rd edition. CRC Press; 2012. 664 p. 9 Company P, Piquer A, Contero M. On the evolution of geo-metrical reconstruction as a core technology to sketch-based modeling. In: Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Inter-faces and Modeling; 2004 August 30-31; Grenoble, France; p.97-106. 10 Alvarado C. Sketch recognition user interfaces: guidelines for design and development. In: Proceedings of AAAI Fall Sym-posium on Pen-Based Interfaces; 2004 October 21-24; Wash-ington D.C.; p. 8-14. 11 Varley PAC, Suzuki H. Interpreting line drawings of objects with k-vertices. In: Geometric Modeling and Processing; 2004 April 13-15; Beijing, China; p. 249-258. 12 Devenport W, Kapania R, Rojiani K, Singh K [Internet]. Beam view - Java applets for engineering education. Available from: http://www.engapplets.vt.edu/statics/BeamView/BeamView.html.

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

1月-2月 计算机编程及物联网基础知识学习3月-4月 编程开发,性能测试5月 发布成果,评估效果,补齐短板,撰写毕业论文6月 修改毕业论文,答辩

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