
 2022-01-29 19:08:20


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

内容:1.简谐振动的建模仿真2.阻尼振动的建模仿真3.阻尼振动到混沌系统的建模仿真4.多振动体系的合成运动仿真5.各种振动产生的机械波的空间分布仿真要求:1. 结合生产生活实例进行分析2. 有自己独立的思考和独到的见解

2. 实验内容和要求


3. 参考文献

1. CHEN J, ZHANG Y, LIU X. Simulation Study on Mechanical Vibration Deicing Equipment for Transmission Lines[J]. Insulators and Surge Arresters, 2009, 5.2. Linder C J. Understanding sound: so what is the problem?[J]. Physics Education, 1992, 27(5): 258.3.Peterson R E. Vibration and mechanical wave damping: U.S. Patent 3,130,700[P]. 1964-4-28.4. Ly R, Giraud-Audine C, Abba G, et al. Experimentally valided approach for the simulation of the forging process using mechanical vibration[J]. International Journal of Material Forming, 2009, 2(1): 133.5. Jiang Y, Xing H. Numerical modelling of acoustic stimulation induced mechanical vibration enhancing coal permeability[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 36: 786-799.6. Yang H. Ultrasound shear wave elastography imaging with external mechanical vibration[D]. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.7. Elmadih W, Syam W P, Maskery I, et al. Mechanical vibration bandgaps in surface-based lattices[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2019, 25: 421-429.8. Fazio C, Guastella I, Sperandeo‐Mineo R M, et al. Modelling mechanical wave propagation: Guidelines and experimentation of a teachinglearning sequence[J]. International Journal of Science Education, 2008, 30(11): 1491-1530.9. Virgin L N. Introduction to experimental nonlinear dynamics: a case study in mechanical vibration[M]. Cambridge University Press, 2000.10. Benaroya H, Nagurka M, Han S. Mechanical vibration: analysis, uncertainties, and control[M]. CRC Press, 2017.更多资料请联系QQ275560060获取。

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划


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