
 2022-02-06 19:03:08


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

课题研究的内容、目的及意义: 课题为实践课题,要求学生设计无人直升机的控制算法。




2. 实验内容和要求


3. 参考文献

1. Jia Z, Yu J, Mei Y, et al. Integral backstepping sliding mode control for quadrotor helicopter under external uncertain disturbances[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 68: 299-307.2. Ma D, Xia Y, Li T, et al. Active disturbance rejection and predictive control strategy for a quadrotor helicopter[J]. IET Control Theory ndez-Caballero A, et al. A tandem active disturbance rejection control for a laboratory helicopter with variable-speed rotors[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(10): 6395-6406.6. Castaeda H, Plestan F, Chriette A, et al. Continuous differentiator based on adaptive second-order sliding-mode control for a 3-DOF helicopter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(9): 5786-5793.7. Wang B, Zhang Y. An adaptive fault-tolerant sliding mode control allocation scheme for multirotor helicopter subject to simultaneous actuator faults[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 65(5): 4227-4236.8. Chen M, Ren Y, Liu J. Antidisturbance control for a suspension cable system of helicopter subject to input nonlinearities[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017, 48(12): 2292-2304.9. Kang Y, Chen S, Wang X, et al. Deep convolutional identifier for dynamic modeling and adaptive control of unmanned helicopter[J]. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2018, 30(2): 524-538.10.Mehndiratta, M., Kayacan, E. (2018). Receding horizon control of a 3 DOF helicopter using online estimation of aerodynamic parameters. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part G: Journal of aerospace engineering, 232(8), 1442-1453.除上述文献外,请再自行查阅相关文献不少于20篇。

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容2021-01-06~2021-01-15 调研,查阅资料,进行系统需求分析,完成英文文献翻译2021-01-16~2021-02-23 调研、查阅文献,完成开题报告2021-02-24~2021-03-01 整体方案和各功能模块的详细设计2021-03-02~2021-03-08 进行技术分析,开展直升机主动抗干扰控制方法研究2021-03-09~2021-03-29 基于直升机主动抗干扰控制方法测试2021-03-30~2021-04-30 基于直升机主动抗干扰控制方法测试2021-05-01~2021-05-15 系统功能联调和功能完善2021-05-16~2021-05-31 毕业设计工作总结和撰写论文2021-06-01~2021-06-15 论文评阅和答辩

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