1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
3. 参考文献
1. 杜磊. 基于服务设计理念的B2C电子商务网站设计与开发[D].江西财经大学,2016.2. 李扬. 北方国际集团嘉济科技(天津)有限公司电子商务B2C网站设计与开发[D].山东大学,2013.3. 刘倩倩.基于PHP和MySQL的网站设计与实现[J].中小企业管理与科技(下旬刊),2020(10):162-163.4. 乐蓓.高性能电子商务网站前端设计理念研究[J].计算机产品与流通,2020(05):95.5. 赵文.移动购物网页之客动线设计[J].电子商务,2020(08):60-61.6. Kim, HyeKyoung Song, Ji Hoon (2010).The quality of word-of-mouth in the online shopping mall. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 4. 376-390. 10.1108/17505931011092844.7. June Lu, Lu-Zhuang Wang, Chun-Sheng Yu. E-auction in China: the case of Taobao[J]. Int. J. of Electronic Finance,2007,1(4).8. Mohammad Wahiduzzaman. Bangladesh B2C E-Commerce - Status, Problems and Development Countermeasures. Yanshan University, 2017.9. Salam, A. Rao, Raghav Pegels, C.. (2003). Consumer-perceived risk in E-Commerce transactions. Communications of the ACM. 46. 325-331.10. Stephanie Leary.(2013). WordPress for Web Developers: An Introduction for Web Professionals. Friends of Apress.11. Robbert Ravensbergen . 2015. Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce, 2nd Edition: Transform your WordPress website into a fully-featured e-commerce store with the power of WooCommerce. Birminghum, Mumbai: PACKT Publishing .12. Falk, Louis Sockel, Hy Chen, Kuanchin. (2005). E-Commerce and Consumer's Expectations. Journal of Website Promotion. 1. 65-75. 13. Badar Alam Iqbal.(2012).E-Commerce in South Asia. Transnational Corporations Review. 14. Jian Mou,,Yi Cui Kerry Kurcz.(2020).Trust, Risk and Alternative Website Quality in B-Buyer Acceptance of Cross-Border E-Commerce.Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM). 15. E S Soegoto,M A S Marbun,F Dicky. Building the Design of E-Commerce[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2018,407(1)
4. 毕业设计(论文)计划
2021.1.6~2021.2.22 查找相关资料文献,做好毕业设计所需相关软件的准备工作,编写任务书2021.2.23~2021.3.6 学习文献,充分理解相关技术内容,完善课题研究方案,完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告等工作2021.3.7~2021.3.20 设计出电商网页使用流程图,设计出各个功能所需的数据库表2021.3.21~2021.4.30 收集界面设计的图片,实现部分基本的功能2021.5.1~2021.5.20 基本实现网页的功能,并对界面进行优化设计2021.5.21~2021.6.10 对网页进行测试,完善不足之处,完成毕业设计论文写作