1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
1 前言土地利用及其变化制图一直是各级政府及学术界关注的重要话题,是政府科学决策的数据基础。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1] Zheng, B. J., Myint, S. W., Thenkabail, P. S., et al., 2015. A support vector machine to identify irrigated crop types using time-series Landsat NDVI data[J]. Internaitonal Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,34:103-112.
[2] Nitze, I., Barrett, B., Cawkwell, F., 2015. Temporal optimisation of image acquisition for land cover classification with Random Forest and MODIS time-series[J].Internaitonal Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,34:136-146.
[3] Wang, H. T., Shao, Y.,Kennedy, L. M., 2014.Temporal generalization of sub-pixel vegetation mapping with multiple machine learning and atmospheric correction algorithms[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(20): 7118-7135.