1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 实验内容和要求
Based on the studies of the development history of Chinese icons, this thesis aims to discover the Chinese icons for western teenagers who are planning to come to china or who want to learn Chinese Personality as well as Chinese culture well. To studies this problem deeper and further, in the third Personality, the writer investigates both Chinese literature and western literature to study two main areas: Chinese personality and Chinese relationship; Chinese Personalities and Chinese icons in literature. In this thesis, the writer studied novels as well as books like American Dragons; The Guest Brauns Travel to Mongolia; The Secret Language of the SB; American Dragons; The Joy Luck Club; and the Selected Fables from Old Cathay to analyze Chinese image. Whats more, the writer made some interview to chat with some foreign students in Chinese schools to make sure their expression of China especially Chinese Personalities. The last Personality illustrates the development of Chinese icons from the perspective of western teenagers in the near future, through some movies as well as some TV programs. Then there is a summary.
3. 参考文献
Tan Amy: the Joy Luck Club. New York: Ivy Books,1989.吕程.从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突[J].怀化学院学报,2008,(9).秦艳艳:《喜福会》中的象征意象[J].聊城大学学报(社会科学版),2008,(2).高佳慧: 《好莱坞电影对于中国传统文化的运用与小结》《新闻世界》史纲:中国元素是当代本土设计的不竭之源。毕文佳:浅析好莱坞电影中国文化元素的误读和趋同----以《花木兰》和《功夫熊猫》为例TV series: Fresh off the BoatYang Xianyi and Gladys Yang:The Selected Fables from Old CathayToni Morrison and Maxine Hong Kingsto:April and the Dragon lady Laurance Yep: American Dragons
4. 毕业设计(论文)计划
2022.11.20-2022.2.16 查阅资料,确定选题2022.3.12-2022.3.23 集中开题2022.3.23-2022.4.30 查阅资料,完成初稿2022.5.1-2022.5.9 论文修改2022.5.10 完成定稿2022.5.12 答辩
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