1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 实验内容和要求
3. 参考文献
根据毕业要求指标点2.3、10.2,毕设期间要进行研究现状调查与总结,要求在开题报告及毕业设计(论文)中涉及的英文文献不少于20篇,其中近5年不少于8篇,英文文献不少于5篇。以下是与本课题相关的部分文献列表:1. 易政. 钾离子电池碳基电极材料制备及储钾性能与机制研究[D].中国科学技术大学,2020.2. 杨海. 高性能钠/钾离子电池负极材料的制备及研究[D].中国科学技术大学,2020.3. LIU Y, GAO C, DAI L, et al. The Features and Progress of Electrolyte for Potassium Ion Batteries [J]. Small, 2020, 16(44): 2004096.4. ALVIN S, CHANDRA C, KIM J. Extended plateau capacity of phosphorus-doped hard carbon used as an anode in Na- and K-ion batteries [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 391(1):123576.5. CUI R C, XU B, DONG H J, et al. N/O Dual-Doped Environment-Friendly Hard Carbon as Advanced Anode for Potassium-Ion Batteries [J]. Adv Sci (Weinh), 2020, 7(5): 1902547.6. ZHANG W, YIN J, SUN M, et al. Direct Pyrolysis of Supermolecules: An Ultrahigh Edge-Nitrogen Doping Strategy of Carbon Anodes for Potassium-Ion Batteries [J]. Adv Mater, 2020, 32(25): 2000732.7. ZHANG W, CAO Z, WANG W, et al. A Site-Selective Doping Strategy of Carbon Anodes with Remarkable K-Ion Storage Capacity [J]. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2020, 59(11): 4448-4455.8. WANG G, XIONG X, XIE D, et al. Chemically activated hollow carbon nanospheres as a high-performance anode material for potassium ion batteries [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(47): 24317-24323.9. ZHANG S, XU Z, DUAN H, et al. N-doped carbon nanofibers with internal cross-linked multiple pores for both ultra-long cycling life and high capacity in highly durable K-ion battery anodes [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 337:13576710. ZHANG H, LUO C, HE H, et al. Nano-size porous carbon spheres as a high-capacity anode with high initial coulombic efficiency for potassium-ion batteries [J]. Nanoscale Horiz, 2020, 5(5): 895-903.11. XIA J L, YAN D, GUO L P, et al. Hard Carbon Nanosheets with Uniform Ultramicropores and Accessible Functional Groups Showing High Realistic Capacity and Superior Rate Performance for Sodium-Ion Storage [J]. Adv Mater, 2020, 32(21): 2000447.12. WANG P, GONG Z, ZHU K, et al. Nano-phosphorus supported on biomass carbon by gas deposition as negative electrode material for potassium ion batteries [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 362:13715313. WANG H, ARTEMOVA A, YANG G, et al. Lotus root-like porous carbon for potassium ion battery with high stability and rate performance [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 466:22830314. TAO X S, SUN Y G, LIU Y, et al. Facile Synthesis of Hollow Carbon Nanospheres and Their Potential as Stable Anode Materials in Potassium-Ion Batteries [J]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2020, 12(11): 13182-13188.15. TAO L, LIU L, CHANG R, et al. Structural and interface design of hierarchical porous carbon derived from soybeans as anode materials for potassium-ion batteries [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 463:22817216. HU J, XIE Y, ZHOU X, et al. Engineering Hollow Porous Carbon-Sphere-Confined MoS2 with Expanded (002) Planes for Boosting Potassium-Ion Storage [J]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2020, 12(1): 1232-1240.17. RUAN J F, WU X, WANG Y, et al. Nitrogen-doped hollow carbon nanospheres towards the application of potassium ion storage [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(33): 19305-19315.18. WANG S, LI Y Y, MA F T, et al. Phenolic resin-based carbon microspheres for potassium ion storage [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 50619. HE J J, LU T T, WANG K, et al. Rational Construction of Advanced Potassium Ion Diffusion and Storage Matrix [J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 202020. CHANG X Q, ZHOU X L, OU X W, et al. Ultrahigh Nitrogen Doping of Carbon Nanosheets for High Capacity and Long Cycling Potassium Ion Storage [J]. Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 9(47)21. YANG J L, JU Z C, JIANG Y, et al. Enhanced Capacity and Rate Capability of Nitrogen/Oxygen Dual-Doped Hard Carbon in Capacitive Potassium-Ion Storage [J]. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(4)
4. 毕业设计(论文)计划
本课题各阶段工作内容要求如下: 2021.1.4至2021.2.26毕业设计准备,准备开题报告及资料搜集,完成外文翻译。