1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 实验内容和要求
本课题对学生所学知识和技能的要求: 1. 一台性能较好的计算机; 2. 熟练掌握查阅文献的方法和技能; 3. 了解掌握相关专业知识(人工智能算法、神经网络模型、波导模式等); 4. 熟悉了解python语言的使用和操作。
具体内容:1. 调研国内外关于人工智能在模式识别上的研究进展及存在的缺陷不足;2. 熟悉了解python语言编程;3. 通过编程建立卷积神经网络,识别混合图像中的模式分量;3. 分析比较与其它算法的区别,研究其主要应用。
3. 参考文献
1. "All-optical neural network with nonlinear activation functions."Optica, 6, 9 (2019).2. "Analyzing modal power in multi-mode waveguide via machine learningOPTICS EXPRESS, 26, 17 (2018).3. "Beam profiler network (BPNet): a deep learning approach to mode demultiplexing of LaguerreGaussian optical beams" Optics Letters, 44, 15 (2019).4. "Deep learning enabled real time speckle recognition and hyperspectral imaging using a multimode fiber array" OPTICS EXPRESS, 27, 15 (2019).5. "Deep learning as a tool to distinguish between high orbital angular momentum optical modes." SPIE Optical Engineering Applications Optics and Photonics for Information Processing X, 2016.6. "Fast remodeling for nonlinear distortion mitigation based on transfer learning. " Optics letters 44.17(2019):4243-4246.7. "Fiber bundle imaging resolution enhancement using deep learning. " Optics express 27.11(2019):15880-15890.8."Fringe pattern analysis using deep learning." Advanced photonics, 1(2) (2019).9. "Intelligent constellation diagram analyzer using convolutional neural network-based deep learning." Optics Express,25,15 (2017).10. "Machine learning approach to OAM beam demultiplexing via convolutional neural networks." Applied Optics 56.12(2017):3386.11. "Orbital angular momentum detection based on diffractive deep neural network." Optics Communications 443(2019):245-249.12. 杨帆.光学模式识别的Matlab仿真[J].科技广场,2011,(10):53-55.13. 郑伟.基于分数傅里叶变换的光学神经网络全光型模式识别系统[D].导师:杨虎.山西师范大学,2012.14. 王国田,王汝笠,傅艳红,李佳,柴震海.用于光学相关模式识别的二值化方法研究[J].红外与毫米波学报,2002,(06):455-459.15. 刘榆.基于深度学习的手写体字符识别研究[D].导师:马冬梅.西北师范大学,2020.
4. 毕业设计(论文)计划
2021.02.05 完成外文翻译2021.02.28 完成开题报告2021.03.15 完成程序框架2021.04.15 调试程序并取得结果2021.05.15 分析改进计算数据2021.06.03 完成毕业论文写作并修改2021.06.12 完成毕业答辩及成绩录入