
 2022-01-30 16:50:30


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A. K. N. GeimK.S. Novoselov The rise of graphene,Nature Materials 6(3):183-91学会自己检索文献并下载,下载该文献,然后在该综述文献中,选取20篇以上的文献下载,阅读,用来撰写论文第一章节内容。包括但不限于以下文献1. Wallace, P. R. Th e band theory of graphite. Phys. Rev. 71, 622634 (1947).2. McClure, J. W. Diamagnetism of graphite. Phys. Rev. 104, 666671 (1956).3. Slonczewski, J. C. Weiss, P. R. Band structure of graphite. Phys. Rev. 109, 272279 (1958).4. Semenoff , G. W. Condensed-matter simulation of a three-dimensional anomaly. Phys. Rev. Lett.53, 24492452 (1984).5. Fradkin, E. Critical behavior of disordered degenerate semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 33, 32633268 (1986).6. Haldane, F. D. M. Model for a quantum Hall eff ect without Landau levels: Condensed-matterrealization of the parity anomaly. Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 20152018 (1988).7. Novoselov, K. S. et al. Electric fi eld eff ect in atomically thin carbon fi lms. Science 306, 666669 (2004).8. Novoselov, K. S. et al. Two-dimensional atomic crystals. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA102, 1045110453 (2005).9. Novoselov, K. S. et al. Two-dimensional gas of massless Dirac fermions in graphene. Nature438, 197200 (2005).10. Zhang, Y., Tan, J. W., Stormer, H. L. Kim, P. Experimental observation of the quantum Hall eff ectand Berrys phase in graphene. Nature 438, 201204 (2005).11. Peierls, R. E. Quelques proprietes typiques des corpses solides. Ann. I. H. Poincare 5, 177222 (1935).12. Landau, L. D. Zur Th eorie der phasenumwandlungen II. Phys. Z. Sowjetunion 11, 2635 (1937).13. Landau, L. D. Lifshitz, E. M. Statistical Physics, Part I (Pergamon, Oxford, 1980).14. Mermin, N. D. Crystalline order in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. 176, 250254 (1968).15. Venables, J. A., Spiller, G. D. T. Hanbucken, M. Nucleation and growth of thin fi lms.Rep. Prog. Phys. 47, 399459 (1984).16. Evans, J. W., Th iel, P. A. Bartelt, M. C. Morphological evolution during epitaxial thin fi lm growth:Formation of 2D islands and 3D mounds. Sur. Sci. Rep. 61, 1128 (2006).17. Stankovich, S. et al. Graphene-based composite materials. Nature 442, 282286 (2006).18. Meyer, J. C. et al. Th e structure of suspended graphene sheets. Nature (in the press);doi:10.1038/nature05545.19. Nelson, D. R., Piran, T. Weinberg, S. Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Surfaces (WorldScientifi c, Singapore, 2004).20. Partoens, B. Peeters, F. M. From graphene to graphite: Electronic structure around the K point.Phys. Rev. B 74, 075404 (2006).

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