1. 毕业设计(论文)主要目标:
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
(1) 以2003年到2012年平均的气象要素为初始场通过运转wrf-chem模式分别得到仅以有无沙尘气溶胶为变量情况下的各气象要素
(2) 就1倍沙尘气溶胶情况下分析我国沙尘气溶胶的分布情况
(3) 对比无沙尘气溶胶~3倍沙尘气溶胶分析其地表短波收支情况
3. 主要参考文献
[1]K.M.LauM.K.KimK.M.Kim. Asian summer monsoon anomalies induced by aerosol direct forcing:the role of the Tibetan Plateau.Clim Dyn 26(2006):855-864
[2]Zhiwei Han,Jiawei Li,Xiangao Xia,Renjian Zhang.Investigation of direct radiative effects of aerosols in dust storm season over East Asia with an online coupled regional climate-chemistry-aerosol model.Atmosphere Environment 54(2012)688-699
[3]Hui Sun,Zaitao Pan,Xiaodong Liu.Numerical simulation of spatial-temporal distribution of dust aerosol and its direct radiative effects onEast Asian climate.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH,VOL117,D13206,doi:10.1029/2011JD017219,2012