
 2022-01-27 15:06:41


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 实验内容和要求


3. 参考文献

1.Abdallah, M. A. M. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals from the surficial sediments of a shallow coastal lagoon. Egypt Environmental Technology, 2011,32(9): 979988.2.Zhang Y, Zhang P, Shang X, Lu Y, Li Y, Exposure of lead on intestinal structural integrity and the diversity of gut microbiota of common carp, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 2021, 239: 1088773.Cai, J. N., Cao, Y. Z., Tan, H. J., Wang, Y. M., Luo, J. Q. Fractionation and ecological risk of metals in urban river sediments in Zhongshan City, Pearl River Delta. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13(9), 24502456.4.Moncls L, Shore R F, Krone O. Lead contamination in raptors in Europe: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 748: 141437.5.Shifaw E. Review of Heavy Metals Pollution in China in Agricultural and Urban Soils, J Health Pollution, 2018, 18: 180607.6.Fan Y, Zhu T, Li M, He J, Huang R. Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and Brown Rice and Human Health Risk Assessment near Three Mining Areas in Central China. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Journal of Healthcare Engineering Volume 2017, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/41243027.Caporale A G, Violante A. Chemical Processes Affecting the Mobility of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments. Korea. Curr Pollution Rep, 2016, 2:1527.8.Su C, Jiang L, Zhang W. A review on heavy metal contamination in the soil worldwide: Situation, impact and remediation techniques. Environmental Skeptics and Critics, 2014, 3(2): 24-38.

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

2019.12.28-2020.2.28 布置课题,根据课题要求开始查阅文献,撰写并提交开题报告,完成文献翻译。

2020.2.29-2020.3.14 整理实验室,熟悉实验室各项操作及规定2020.3.15-2020.3.31 土壤样品预处理2020.4.1-2020.4.30 土壤样品重金属总量的分析2020.5.1-2020.5.25 可利用态分析等2020.5.26-2020.6.3 整理数据, 补充实验,撰写论文2015.6.3- 完成并修改论文准备答辩

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