
 2021-11-05 19:14:07

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1.论文内容本实验的研究内容包括两部分:1、熟悉β-糖苷酶相关酶学性质、掌握酶稳定性的提高方法;2、掌握酶活性测定方法,掌握紫外分光光度计使用方法;论文要求1)文献查阅掌握文献查阅,使用网络资源如中国期刊网、维普数据库、超星数字图书馆、Elsevier电子期刊、Springer Link全文电子期刊等检索资源,查阅各种有关肽的衍生方法及肽类检测方法的相关文献。




2. 参考文献

参考文献1. Agrawal, R., et al., Kinetic and enzyme recycling studies of immobilized β-glucosidase for lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis(Article) Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2018. Vol.17(No.6): p. 1385-1398.2. Gargouri, M., et al., Fungus β-glycosidases: immobilization and use in alkyl-β-glycoside synthesis. . Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B: Enzymatic, 2004. Vol.29(No.1-6): p. 89-94.3. L, F., et al., Biosurfactant-Protein Interaction: Influences of Mannosylerythritol Lipids-A on β-Glucosidase. Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry, 2018. Vol.66(No.1): p. 238-246.4. PREZIOSI, S.T.P.R.B.Z.N.V.T.R.F., Effects of Plant Residue Decomposition on Soil N Availability,Microbial Biomass and β-Glucosidase Activity During Soil Fertility Improvement in Ghana Pedosphere, 2019. 第29卷(第5期): p. 608-618.5. Rodriguez-Colinas, B., et al., Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides by the .beta.-Galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis: Comparative Analysis of Permeabilized Cells versus Soluble Enzyme Extremozymes-biocatalysts with unique properties from extremophilic microorganisms. . Current opinion in biotechnology, 2011. Vol.29: p. 116-123.6. 范家佑, 郁建平, and 余广进, 壳聚糖固定β-半乳糖苷酶及其应用稳定性研究 食品科学, 2009. 30(01): p. 222-227.7. 金璐, et al., 植物源β-葡萄糖苷酶活性检测方法学研究 %J 现代生物医学进展. 2016. 16(26): p. 5032-5037.8. 李庆华 and 刘树文, 产β-糖苷酶菌株的筛选及酶活的研究. 中国酿造, 2009(06): p. 68-71.9. 刘文龙, et al., β-葡萄糖苷酶生产菌筛选及酶学特性中国酿造, 2017. 36(09): p. 120-122.10. 秦烨芝, et al., 交联牛肝β-糖苷酶聚合物的制备、表征及应用现代食品科技, 2015. 31(10): p. 210-214.11. 宋京城 and 蔡健, 交联壳聚糖固定化β-葡萄糖苷酶的稳定性研究. 食品研究与开发, 2011. 32(02): p. 129-132.12. 张隽荣, et al., 柳叶五层龙正丁醇提取部分中的3个新酚性成分及其α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性 高等学校化学学报, 2019. 40(03): p. 456-461.13. 周璞, et al., 稻田土壤β-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶活性对温度变化的响应特征 环境科学研究, 2018. 31(07): p. 1282-1288.14. Salgado, J.C.S., et al., Glucose tolerant and glucose stimulated β-glucosidases A review. . Bioresource Technology, 2018. Vol.267: p. 704-713.15. Yang, B.H.X.Z.C.Z.Y.M.W., Sequential co-immobilization of β-glucosidase and yeast cells on single polymer support for bioethanol productionChina(Chemistry). Science, 2018. 第61卷(第12期): p. 1600-1608.

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