1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
挥发性有机化合物简称 VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds),是指在常温下饱和蒸气压大于 70Pa、常压下沸点在260℃以内的有机化合物[1]要产生于化工和石化工艺废气,石油、化工产品储罐气,印刷和油漆生产废气,萃取废气,木材干馏废气及制药厂废气等些易挥发性有机废气(VOCs)污染环境,危害人体健康,必须进行净化处理。
2. 实验内容和要求
3. 参考文献
1.汪智伟,陈明功,王旭浩,等.挥发性有机物处理技术研究现状与进展[J].现代化工,2018,38(7):79-83.2.牛茜,李兵,徐校良,等.催化燃烧法处理挥发性有机化合物研究进展[J].现代化工,2013,33(11):19-23.3.Adsorptionof chlorinated volatile organic compounds using activated carbon made fromJatropha curcasseeds .Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,September 20144.Jae Wook Lee, Wang Geun Shim, Hee Moon,Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics for capillary condensation of trichloroethylene on MCM-41 and MCM-48,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,Volume 73, Issue 3,2004,Pages 109-119,5.Treatment of waste gas contaminated with dichloromethane using photocatalytic oxidation, biodegradation and their combinations6.Bifunctional mechanism of dichloromethane oxidation over Pt/Al2O3: CH2Cl2 disproportionation over alumina and oxidation over platinum,Journal of Catalysis7.On the mechanism of the catalytic destruction of dichloromethane over Pt zeolite catalysts8.Comparative study on the support properties in the total oxidation of dichloromethane over Pt catalysts9.Performance of alumina-supported noble metal catalysts for the combustion of trichloroethene at dry and wet conditions10.Oxidation of dichloromethane and perchloroethylene as single compounds and in mixtures
4. 毕业设计(论文)计划
2020.12.31与导师见面,听导师对论文说明和布置任务2021.1.3-2021.1.16 查阅资料1.17-2.28 文献综述2.28-3.5 了解实验内容,购置所缺药品3.5-4.20 制备过渡金属掺杂CeO2@TiO2核壳结构催化剂 4.21-5.20 对不同条件下制备的催化剂的催化活性进行测试5.21-5.28 论文撰写5.29-6.5 论文修改、撰写6.6-6.10 论文修改、撰写6.11 论文答辩