
 2022-01-29 19:12:52


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 实验内容和要求

3. 参考文献

1. 佟淑娇, 吴宗之, 王如君,等. 2001~2013年危险化学品企业较大以上事故统计分析及对策建议[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2015, 000(003):129-134.2. 俞志东, 周锡堂. 化工危险品仓储安全管理分析[J]. 广州化工, 2012,40(21):195-196.3. 邓术章, 周兆欣, 张安西, 等. 基于物联网的危化品储存智能监测管理平台的开发[J]. 中国储运, 2016(07):106-109.4. 李磊, 贾磊, 赵晓雪, 等. 层次分析熵值定权法在城市水环境承载力评价中的应用[J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 2014,23(04):456-460.5. 任竞舟, 周荣义, 钟岸. 基于物元分析的危化品储存安全评价模型[J]. 矿业工程研究, 2016,31(02):76-80.6. 朱彦. 加强仓储与运输管理确保危化品物流安全[J]. 水上消防, 2016(01):26-31.7. 文钊. 聚焦危化品运输中的槽车事故[J]. 职业卫生与应急救援, 2013,31(02):94-98.8. 方来华. 危化品生产储存使用全过程安全监控与监管系统[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2013,9(07):114-117.9. 任继勤, 穆咏雪. 危化品事故的统计分析与管理启示[J]. 化工管理, 2015(16):28-31.10. 刘苏桐. 危险化学品的储存及运输安全[J]. 现代职业安全, 2006(11):80.11. 许建设, 张后福. 危险品仓储和运输安全管理以爆炸品为例[J]. 物流技术(装备版), 2012(02):37-41.12. 钱程. 我国危化品仓储存在问题与对策分析[J]. 现代职业安全, 2009(07):74-75.13. 柴保身. 我国危险品仓储业发展现状与展望[J]. 物流工程与管理, 2009,31(12):19-23.14. 范祥, 叶春明, 仝伟亮. 新形势下我国危化品仓储安全问题研究[J]. 物流科技, 2016,39(10):148-151.15. Elshafey M M, Contestabile E, Halim A O A E, et al. Improving the Safety of Transportation of Dangerous Goods: An Experimental Study[J]. Transportation Research Record, 2018.16. Kashinova, Nonna. Identification and classification of risks as risk management tools in the anti-crisis management of a modern enterprise [J]. Concept, 2014. 17. Yu H, Yun L, Ying Z, et al. Research on Ranking Evaluation Models of Safety Risk in Productive Enterprises based on the Perspective of Supervision[J]. Procedia Engineering, 2014, 84:100-107.18. Batarliene, N. (2020). "Essential Safety Factors for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road: A Case Study of Lithuania." Sustainability 12 (12): 4954.19. Barkan C , Tyler Dick C , Anderson R . Railroad Derailment Factors Affecting Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk[J]. Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2003, 1825:64-74. 20. Ma J , Fan Z P , Huang L H . A subjective and objective integrated approach to determine attribute weights[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 1999, 112(2):397-404.21. Oh, K. H. and H. K. Kang, et al. (2013). WAGE: Weighting with AHP, Grey Numbers, and Entropy for Multiple-Criteria Group Decision Making Problem, IEEE.22. Planas, E. and E. Pastor, et al. (2008). "Results of the MITRA project: Monitoring and intervention for the transportation of dangerous goods." Journal of Hazardous Materials 152 (2): 516-526.23. Savoshinsky, O. P. and A. A. Zakharova, et al. (2018). Fire Safety Management in Transportation of Municipal Wastes with the Use of Geographic Information Systems, IEEE.24. Bubbico R, Maschio G, Mazzarotta B, et al. Risk management of road and rail transport of hazardous materials in Sicily[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2006, 19(1):32-38.25. Kazantzi V , Kazantzis N , Gerogiannis V C . Risk informed optimization of a hazardous material multi-periodic transportation model[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2011, 24(6):767-773.26. Elebi D. A system dynamics model for regulatory impact assessment in transport of dangerous goods[J]. Journal of Simulation, 2019(5):1-11.27. Mance I , Ranko Reek. International system of safety evaluation as a sustainable development lever[C]// International Conference Management , Benintendi R, et al. ALARP Approach for Risk Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects[C]// International Conference on Computational Science Its Applications. Springer, Cham, 2018.

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容2013.01.06~2012.01.16 查阅文献资料,做好开题前准备工作2012.01.17~2013.01.22 查阅资料的基础上,完善课题研究方案,完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告等工作2013.02.05~2013.03.01 企业危险化学品仓储现场调研2013.03.02~2013.03.10 危化品仓储风险评估指标体系建立2013.03.11~2013.03.25 对危化品仓储风险评估模型建立2013.03.26~2013.04.15 论文中期检查2013.04.16~2013.04.20 评估模型应用2013.04.21~2013.05.14 完成论文初稿2013.05.15~2013.05.31 完成指导老师评阅及教师互评2013.06.01~2013.06.10 打印装订、准备进行论文答辩

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