
 2021-08-20 00:15:09

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要目标:

1、熟练运用lammps模拟软件2、 了解分子动力学模拟原理3、学会对模拟结果进行初步探究讨,研究金属金属玻璃ZrCu在不同原子比例下从液态迅速降温后的结构。

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

1. 绪论:金属玻璃应用

2. 分子动力学模拟概念,原理及方法

3. LAMMPS软件使用


3. 主要参考文献

[1] X. Lu, B. Pascal, B. Jean-Marc, T. Anne-Lise, B. Larbi, Molecular dynamics simulations of clusters and thin film growth in the context of plasma sputtering deposition, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (2014) 224004[2] Z.D. Sha, Y.W. Zhang, Y.P. Feng, Y. Li, Molecular dynamics studies of short to medium range order in Cu64Zr36 metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 8319-8322.[3] G.A. Almyras, G.M. Matenoglou, P. Komninou, C. Kosmidis, P. Patsalas, G.A. Evangelakis, On the deposition mechanisms and the formation of glassy Cu–Zr thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (2010) 084313.

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