大学生英语学习元认知策略、自我效能感与英语成绩的相关性研究 Relationshop Among Meta-cognition, Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement in Learning English as a Foreign Language任务书

 2021-08-20 22:51:07

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

The study will focus on the relationship among meta-cognition strategies, self-efficacy and academic achievement in undergraduates’ English study. Meta-cognition strategies and self-efficacy in English learning of XXX undergraduates will be measured by two questionnaires; academic achievement will be evaluated by the grades of CET4; SPSS will be used to analyze the current status of meta-cognition strategies and self-efficacy in undergraduates; factors influencing EFL undergraduates' academic achievement will be probed by means of regression analysis; a structural equation model will be established to display the relationships among meta-cognition strategies, self-efficacy, and academic achievement in English learning in order to benefit students and teachers in terms of English learning methods and pedagogy.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1. Search various resources to identify the topic for the paper.

2. Read the professional articles about the topic and make a brief understanding about the definition of the topic.

3. Collect materials to make preparations for the paper.


3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

before 4th, January settlement of the title

before 20th, March submission of the outline

before 25th, April submission of the first draft


4. 主要参考文献

[1]王天剑. 焦虑和效能感与口语和写作技能关系的SEM研究[J]. 外语与外语教学,2010,01:27-30.[2]张庆宗,刘晓燕. 英语阅读自我效能感、阅读策略和阅读成绩关系的实证研究[J]. 教育研究与实验,2009,01:92-96.[3]李航,刘儒德. 大学生外语写作焦虑与写作自我效能感的关系及其对写作成绩的预测[J]. 外语研究,2013,02:48-54 112.[4]金光华,董好叶. 大学生自我效能感、考试焦虑与学习成绩的相关研究[J]. 教育与职业,2007,24:103-105.[5]Bandura, A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory [M]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1986[6]Bandura, A. Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control [M]. New York: W. H. Freeman,1997

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