1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
Lin Yutang is a master of humor in Chinese literature but seldom did the scholar explore the forming of his humor style from the aspect of aesthetics. In this essay writing, Student is required to grasp the humor aestheticsin Lin Yutang's prose and can analysehis style and the reasons behind such style.
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
1. Search various resources to identify the topic for the paper.
2. Read the professional articles about the topic and make a brief understanding about the definition of the topic.
3. Collect materials to make preparations for the paper.
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
4. 主要参考文献
[1] 房晶.从MyCountryandMyPeople中的修辞格看林语堂的幽默观[J].语文学刊(外语教育教学),2010,(6):69-70.[2] 胡勇强.《吾国与吾民》(MyCountryAndMyPeople)汉英对比研究——汉语国俗词语的英译方法[J].理论导刊,2007,(3):111-112. [3] 李灿,罗玉成.跨文化视域下的林语堂“幽默”论[J].学术界,2014,(3):177-182.[4] 袁济喜.论林语堂对幽默的解读[J].中国文化研究,2004,(1):163[5]Chenxiaoqin .TheAnalysisofLinYutang’sHumor[J].Study,2014,(1):141-142.
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