教师支持对大学生英语自我调节学习的影响:自我效能感的中介作用Research on the relationship between Teacher Support and Self-regulated English Learning of College Students—Evidence of Mediated Effects with Self-efficacy任务书

 2021-08-22 23:40:05

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

The thesis mainly explores the relationship between teacher support and self-regulated English learning of college students, which is expected to demonstrate the mediated effects with self-efficacy. The comprehensive literature review and solid theoretic support are required in the research, on which a logical and convincing conclusion is therefore reached.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1. Search various resources to identify the topic for the dissertation.2. Collect data and materials for the dissertation and write the paper on schedule.3. The paper should give an elaborate and exhaustive research on the given topic with independent work.4. The paper should be no less than 4500 English words in accordance with the required format.

3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

before 26th, December settlement of the title before 25th, February submission of the outline before 25th, April submission of the first draft before 24th, May revision of the draftbefore 30th May submission of the final paperbefore 30th May submission of the final paper

4. 主要参考文献

[1]Schwarzer R, Born A. Optimistic self-beliefs: Assessment of general perceived self-efficacy in thirteen cultures[J]. 1997.[2]Zhang J X, Schwarzer R. Measuring optimistic self-beliefs: A Chinese adaptation of the General Self-Efficacy Scale.[J]. Psychologia An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 1995, 38(3):174-181.[3]欧阳丹. 教师期望、学业自我概念、学生感知教师支持行为与学业成绩之间的关系研究[D]. 广西师范大学, 2005.[4]王才康, 胡中锋, 刘勇. 一般自我效能感量表的信度和效度研究[J]. 应用心理学, 2001, 7(1):37-40.[5]刘昕. 英语专业学生自我效能感与英语自主学习能力相关性研究[D]. 青岛科技大学, 2009.

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