1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
Engber, C.A. (1995). The Relationship of Lexical Proficiency to the Quality of L2 Compositions. Journal of Second Language Writing, 4.Kyoko, B. (2009). Aspects of lexical proficiency in writing summaries in a foreign language. Journal of Second Language Writing, 3.Laufer, B. (1991). The Development of L2 Lexis in the Expression of the Advanced Learner. The Modern Language Journal, 75.Laufer, B. (1994). The lexical profile of second language writing: Does it change over time? RELC Journal, 25.Laufer, B., Nation, P. (1995). Vocabulary Size and Use: Lexical Richness in L2 Written Production. Applied Linguistics, 16.Masumi, K., Junko, Y. (2014). Reality of lexical richness measures based on word lists in short second language productions. System, 3.McClure, E. (1991). A comparison of lexical strategies in L1 and L2 written English narratives. Pragmatics and Language Learning, 2.Read, J. (2000). Assessing Vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Schmitt, N., Meara, P. (1997). Researching Vocabulary Through a Word Knowledge Framework. SSLA, 19.鲍贵(2008),二语学习者作文词汇丰富性发展多纬度研究,《外语电化教学》,5:38-44。
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