无声胜有声:浅析《沉静如海》中体现的冰山理论The Sound of Silence–Brief Analysis of the Iceberg Theory in Le Silence de la Mer任务书

 2021-12-02 13:05:53

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

JeanBrullerswrotethenovelTheSilenceoftheSea(LeSilencedelaMer)in1941insideoccupiedFrance.WhiletheNazispatrolledParis,BrullerscomposedthetaleunderthepennameVercorsandhaditsecretlypublishedanddistributed. LeSilencedelaMerbecame a classic of Frenchliterature during World WarⅡ .

The use of iceberg theory is importantin Hemingway's writing style. The iceberg movement was spectacular for oneeighth of it above the water. The artistic expression form of Hemingway'siceberg theory and its position in the literary world determine that it willstill be concerned by researchers, mainly in the discussion of Hemingway'sworks and appreciation of style. Only a writer withexcellent language skills and narrative methods can make good use of thistheory in creation. Le Silence de la Mer is a short story by Vercors in which Hemingway'siceberg theory is well embodied. This paper shows how the iceberg theory worksby analyzing the symbolism, language style, repetition and free directquotation in this work.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1. Search various resources to identify thetopic for the dissertation.

2. Collect data and materials for thedissertation and write the paper on schedule.

3. The paper should givean elaborate and exhaustive research on the given topic with independent work.


3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

Before 1st January: settlement of thetitle

Before 1st March: submission of theoutline

Before 15th April: submission of thefirst draft


4. 主要参考文献

[1] Hemingway.ErnestHemingway: Selected Letters, 1917-1961[M].Scribner,1981

[2] Stokes Lawrence D.Silence of the Sea / Le Silence de laMer[M].Bloomsbury Academic,2002

[3] 崔道怡等, "冰山"理论:对话与潜对话[M]. 工人出版社 , 编, 1987

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