An Analysis of the Environmental Elements in Araby(《阿拉比》中的环境要素解读)任务书

 2022-01-30 19:22:20


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

经过与导师讨论,确定毕业论文题目为:An Analysis of the Environmental Elements in Araby(《阿拉比》中的环境要素解读)。


具体内容及要求包括: 1. 文本:英文版《阿拉比》;2. 介绍环境描写的作用;3. 从环境描写角度分析其在《阿拉比》时代背景、人物刻画以及主题表达等方面所起的作用,并进行适当总结和评述。


2. 实验内容和要求

3. 参考文献

Barlow, R. (2020). James Joyce and Walter Scott: Incest, rivers of history, and old useless papers. Scottish literary review, 12(1), 1-18.Eskandari, S. (2020). Language discourse in James Joyces short stories Grace andAraby: A cultural studies. Budapest international research and critics in linguistics and education, 3(1), 411-420.Fuchs, D. (2020). James Joyces The Dead and Macrobiuss Saturnalia: The Menippean encyclopedic tradition and the mythical method. James Joyce quarterly, 57(3), 275-292.Jasim, H. A. (2015). The themes of escape in James Joyces Dubliners (Masters dissertation). Cankaya University, Turkey.Joyce, J. (2000). Dubliners. London: Penguin.Ju, B. M. (2016). The symbols in James Joyces Araby. In L. Hale et al. (Eds.), Proceeding of the fifth northeast Asia international symposium on language, literature and translation (pp.436-440). Marietta: The American Scholars Press.Khorsand, G. (2014). Paths to paralysis: Symbolism and narratology in James Joyces Araby and Eveline. Epiphany journal of transdisciplinary studies, 7(2), 92-104.Papi, M. B. (2003). The unsaid in J. Joyces Araby: A linguistic perspective. Journal of the short story in English, 17-28. Salma, U. (2012). Orientalism in James Joyces Araby. Research on humanities and social sciences, 2(2), 67-79.Snart, J. A. (2006). Detached and empty: Subtexts of the unoccupied house in James Joyces Araby. English scholarship, 44, 90-93.Spinks, L. (2009). James Joyce: A critical guide. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.Stone, H. (2013). Araby and the writings of James Joyce. The Antioch review, 71(2), 348-380.Yang, X. W., 詹姆士乔伊斯短篇小说《阿拉比》解析,《名作欣赏》,4:102-105。凌海衡(1997),《阿拉比》一种叙事学的阐释,《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》,3:96-101。鹏鸣(2012),《世界文学简论》。北京:作家出版社。闫毓芳(2008),情感瘫痪主题的突显谈《阿拉比》和《伊芙琳》,《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》,1:51-54。乔伊斯,詹姆斯(1914),《都柏林人》(Dubliners),孙梁、宗博译。杭州:浙江文艺出版社。张蔚(2015),象征主义视角下对《阿拉比》的解读,《语文建设》,5:42-43。

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注2020.11.10-2020.12.31 公布工作计划、确定指导教师、申报毕业设计(论文)题目,学生选题,任务书下达,指导学生查阅文献,做好开题前期工作。

启动阶段2021.1.1-2021.2.28 在广泛查阅资料的基础上,完善课题研究方案,完成文献综述和开题报告等工作,组织开题论证和初期检查工作。

开题阶段2021.3.1-2021.3.20 完成并提交论文第一稿。

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