1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
Former essays on In Another Country mainly focused on the theme, the code hero character, or the iceberg theory, however, they seldom touched upon the device of repetition in it. In this paper, three aspects will be included: the repetition of words, the repetition of phrases, and the repetition of sentences. Furthermore, the writer’s intended or unintended purpose to use repetition, the effects it has achieved, and the contributions it has made to the general theme are to be attached great importance to in the paper. What’s more, the number of times which the same words, phrases or sentences repeatedly appear is found to contribute to the thematic expressions. In a word, the device of repetition and the effects it has achieved are the main content of the paper.
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
4. 主要参考文献
[1] 梁丹丹,倪传斌.自然话语中的重复现象[M].北京:世界图书出版公司,2012.
[2] 王雅丽,管淑红.小说叙事的评价研究——以海明威的短篇小说《在异乡》为例[J].外语与外语教学,2006,(12): 1-4.
[3] 张薇.海明威小说的叙事艺术[M].上海: 上海社会科学院出版社,2005.
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