
 2023-11-22 09:02:28

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求


2. 实验内容和要求

1、计划进行的工作:搜集资料,研读文献,设计论文框架等;2、对各项工作的要求: (1)在搜集资料方面,尽可能多地搜集与文化休克,留学生文化适应方面的资料,然后做总结概括; (2)研读文献的时候,不仅要研读文化休克方面的文献,同时还要看一些跨文化交际方面的文献,对文化休克有更全面的了解。


3. 参考文献

Angela Shin-yih Chen, Yi-chun Lin and Airin Sawangpattanakul. The relationship between cultural intelligence and performance with the mediating effect of culture shock: A case from Philippine laborers in Taiwan. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 35 (2011): 246-258.Alfred Presbitero. Culture shock and reverse culture shock: The moderating role of cultural intelligence in international students adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 53 (2016): 28-38.彭元:《文化休克对母语使用者与非母语使用者的影响》中图分类号:G07文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2111(2012)11-0418-02[Peng Yuan. The Impact of the Culture Shock on Communication Between Native and Non-native Speakers. ]Susan B. Goldstein Sadie R. Keller. U.S. college students lay theories of culture shock. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 47 (2015): 187-194.吴文丽:《论文化休克理论和 U 曲线假说在跨文化旅居者适应过程中的相关性》.长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)2010年5月第29卷第3期[Wu wenli. Reconsidering Relevance ofCultureShock and U -curve Hypothesis in the Process of Cross-cultural Sojourners Adjustment. Journal ofChangchun Normal University(Humanitiesand Social Sciences)May.2010Vol.29 No.3: 18-22. ]

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划


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